Thursday, May 1, 2008


My grandmother is dying. We don't know when she will go, but it will be soon. All day today I thought of her and some of the funny things she used to do and they made me smile. And then I would cry. It is never easy to say good-bye to someone, no matter how old they are or what the circumstances are. Last night, my husband had tried to explain the situation to Bella. He told her that mommy's grandma was very old and sick, and she wasn't going to always be here, and that made me sad because I would miss her. So tonight, Bella and I snuggled up on the couch before bed to watch a movie and she leaned in close to me and asked, "Why is your grandma old?" I tried to explain to her, with a lump in my throat and a few tears. I didn't know if she would understand, but when you hear her response, you will know that she did.

She gently leaned into my face and gave me the softest kiss and said, "True Love's Kiss Mommy." (sob).

In all the Princess movies, True Love's Kiss is always the solution to breaking the spell or solving the problem....and you know what? It really works.

12|22|1919 - 5|2|2008 Good-bye Grandma. I'll miss you.

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