Tuesday, April 29, 2008

The Birds and the Bees...Not Quite Yet

Over the weekend, good friends of ours had a baby boy. We have been talking to Bella about it for a long time so we were very excited to head off to the hospital to see the new baby yesterday. As we were driving, Bella asked me why we were going to the hospital. I told her that that is where Keely and Steve had their baby. She thought for a moment (to which I was thinking in my head..'what am I going to tell her if she asks how it all works?') and then said, "I had a dream about the hospital the other night" (not what I was expecting). I said, "Really? What did you dream about the hospital?" "I don't know" she said. "Do you know what a hospital is?" I asked. "No" she replied.
So I explained what a hospital was instead...whew!

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