Tuesday, April 1, 2008

The New Life Diet

The other day we were at the grocery store and I bribed, er, I mean told my child that if she was good while I shopped, we could pick out a treat at the end (hey, it had been a long day!). She sat patiently in the shopping cart, singing and talking the whole time. So when I was finished we picked out a treat. A big raised donut with chocolate frosting and pink and white sprinkles! I told her she could have it as soon as we got in the car. Again she waited patiently. When I finally gave it to her, I watched her eat it in the rear view mirror on the way home. She was carefully eating only the top off the donut, which made me laugh, so I asked her, "Why are you only eating the top?". She replied matter of factly, "Because that's where the sprinkles are." I laughed again and then got to thinking....

The chocolate and the sprinkles are really the best part. The rest just makes you feel sick and regretful and full. When you relate that to life, it seems like we, as adults, have kind of forgotten that 'go for the good-stuff first' behavior. We spend so much time dealing with stress and worry...the part that makes you feel sick and full and regretful, and the good parts seem to go unnoticed a lot of the time. I think we all need to dive in to the chocolate and sprinkles first every once in a while...learn to appreciate and acknowledge the good things in life. Stop to taste the sweetness and roll the sprinkles around on your tongue a little. You'd might be surprised just how delicious life really is!

Monday, March 31, 2008

Frightening Frigidaire

Today we were eating lunch and Bella ate just a few bites of hers and then said she wasn't hungry anymore. I wrapped a little tin foil over the plate and put it in the fridge, knowing that in half an hour, she'd want it again. Sure enough she asked for it and I took the plate out and set it on the table in front of her. She looked at the tin foil and said, "Why did you cover it?" I replied, "just to protect the food" to which she said, "Mommeee, there's nothing dangerous in the refrigerator!"

She obviously does not yet know the evils of cream cheese, butter and cookie dough.