Thursday, August 14, 2008

A Nice Place to Visit But I Wouldn't Want to Live There

Last week, Bella and I were driving to the airport to pick up Aunt Tracy, when we drove by some new apartment/condo buildings. I mentioned how fancy they looked and then the conversation went something like this:

Bella: "I want to live in an apartment."
Mommy: "Why?"
B: "I like apartments."
M: "But we have a nice big house with a yard. Where would the dog play?"
B: "We would make space for her to play."
M: "Well, when you are old enough to live by yourself, you can live in an apartment."
B: "YAY! And then you can be in my tummy!"


I am not quite sure how we got from apartment dwelling to pregnancy. Maybe she thought since we would give her a nice place to live and keep her safe and warm until she was an adult, then it would be her turn. By the time she is old enough to move out, I will be close to retirement age. And although the thought of floating around in the water with nothing to do, being fed and taken care of sounds wonderful, I was thinking more like the beaches of Mexico or Fiji, than back into the womb.

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