Sunday, August 3, 2008

Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder

This weekend Bella went camping with her Daddy, his friend Matt and his son, and Matt's 2 nephews. A weekend with the boys! They returned this afternoon, dirty and tired and full of stories about all their adventures. They shot bows & arrows and BB guns, went for a canoe ride and swam in the lake. Bella and Brodie got stung by bees :( Of course they roasted marshmallows and ate s'mores. A fun time was had by all (especially Mommy who was home alone for 2 days!)

I gave Bella big hug when she got home and said "I missed you!" to which she replied. "I missed you too Mommy. I tried to think of you all the time." Her answer struck me as funny for a moment. For a little person who does not really understand the meaning of time yet, it must be a whole different feeling when she is away from home, not knowing exactly when she will see Mommy again. Sometimes she asks when she will see Grandmommy next, or Abuela, Grandpa, etc., and we tell her, but whether we say two weeks or a year, she just smiles and goes back to what she was doing. She lives life in the moment. She is happy with the here and now. No worries about tomorrow, no regrets about the past. I am inspired. I will take more time to think of those that I love when they are not with me. I will enjoy the day for what it is.

Carpe diem!

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