Thursday, August 28, 2008

Mrs Cab Driver

The other day Bella went running by me, chasing her cousins that were here visiting for the week. I grabbed her on the way by for a hug. She sat down on my lap and let out a big sigh and said, "Mommy, when I get big I want to be a Taxi driver." Then she walked away. I called out to her "Why?" and she turned around and said, "Because I like Taxis."

Simple as that. Funny, how day to day, week to week, she declares what she wants to do with her life. How something inspires her so much that she thinks "THAT'S what I want to be." What it tells me is that she is learning, thinking and appreciating the things around her. She doesn't let anything slip by unnoticed. She literally does stop and smell the roses (on the walk to school).

We are living in a time of Political History! Lots of stuff happening in our country and around the world. This week the DNC is here in Denver, and next weekend the RNC will be in my other hometown of Minneapolis. I think we could all learn a lesson from the four-year-olds in our life. Listen, look around you, take the time to appreciate this wonderful country we live in and pay attention to what's happening. Be open to new ideas and be willing to change your mind about things. Think about what you can do to make the world a better place. For ourselves, our children, and even our taxi drivers!

Follow up 8/28/08: Just now I asked Bella if she still wanted to be a Taxi Driver and she said no. So I asked what she wanted to be now and she said "An Ice Cream Girl". No need to ask why this time.

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