Sunday, August 31, 2008


Well, we were out for a walk tonight and the inevitable happened....
For 4 years we had never let Bella onto the fact that there was such a thing as an ice cream truck. Now, before you judge and think "Why would we deprive our child of such a thing as the ice cream truck?!" On a hot summer day you could hear those tinny sounding chimes of the ice cream truck song (usually 'The Entertainer') a mile away. Just enough time to track down your mom or dad for money, running through the house screaming "ICE CREAM!", then running out of the house along with every other kid in the neighborhood and waiting for the truck to turn the corner onto your block. Then it was decision time. The hardest part. Bomb pop? Push up? Drumstick? Or my favorite, the Creamsicle. So why has our daughter not known about this classic summertime phenomenon until now? Well, a few reasons really. First of all, it is not like the kid is lacking in the treat department. We're seriously considering changing her middle name to 'Chocolate' at this point, just because I don't think she can live without it. Secondly, in this day and age of the credit and debit card, you run the risk as a parent of not having any cash on hand when the truck comes by, and then you have to deal with temper tantrums and end up driving to the supermarket to pick up Popsicles if you want the crying and screaming to stop. And lastly, we knew she would eventually figure it out and there would be plenty of years of "ICE CREAM!" to come.

So that brings us back to our walk tonight....we're walking down a long block when all of a sudden, the ice cream truck turns onto the street and is headed right towards us. I look around frantically, there is no where to go. Bella asks, "What's that sound?". Now, she has heard the music before from inside the house, but never asked what it was. I guess she just assumed it was someone driving by with bad taste in music. The truck gets closer and closer, the music is getting louder and louder. When it finally pulls up next to us, she realizes what it is. I have to say the look on her face was priceless! It was worth depriving her of the ice cream truck until now. Her eyes were wide open and a huge smile came across her face. And then she looked at me and said "That's where the noise was coming from! Ice cream!" No turning back now.

Of course, I didn't have any money on me because we only headed out to walk the dog around the block, so I had to run to the store when we got home to get Popsicles. C'est la vie.


Anonymous said...

A few years ago when Steve and I were in Troncones, Mexico, we were driving down the tiny main street and coming up behind was a Volkswagon Beetle circa 1974, with a set of speakers and a megaphone strapped to the roof, playing a skippy mexican tune. As we neared the end of the street, a little girl of about two came darting out of one of the gorgeous gated mansions, in nothing but her diaper and a wild, frenzied look on her face. She and I made eye contact, and she blushed and looked down shyly, but only for an instant - the old hoopty was in fact a mexican ice cream truck, and she didn't waste any time flagging him down. Nice to know that some pastimes translate no matter where you are.


Anonymous said...

Great work.