Thursday, March 20, 2008

A Charmed Life

What is it about little girls and princesses? Before Bella had even seen a book, TV show or movie about a Princess, she wanted to be one. Every thing we do these days revolves around Princesses. Most of the time, I am Cinderella and she is Anastasia (Cinderella's evil step sister). I tried reversing the rolls the other day. After Daddy's success with the Sleeping Beauty game, I thought maybe if I convinced her that she was Cinderella, I might get her to mop the floors and clean the bathroom...but she wasn't falling for it. So, I continue to get stuck with all the chores while Anastasia barks out orders and rules the house.....what's wrong with this picture?

Oh, and she doesn't call Daddy "Daddy" anymore. She calls him "Charmings"...which makes me giggle every time.

Now, back to my chores. But I think I'll head to DSW today...see if I can't find a new pair of glass slippers.


Anonymous said...

So now that she is Anastasia, what happens to my favorite "Bella, Bella, Cinderella" ?

You see,"Tasha, Tasha, Anastasia" also works (if you tweak the vowell sound a little).

Give the princess a mop! - tell her it's a stand-in for Prince Charming! - dance! - gm

Tasha said...

Oh how I wish the roles were reversed!