Wednesday, November 21, 2007

So Many Things to be Thankful For

We woke up this morning to find it had been snowing all night. Bella was overjoyed! It wasn't 8am before she had her coat, hat, boots and mittens on and she was out the door. The snow was still falling softly so I ran to get my camera to capture the moment. As soon as she caught sight of me, she gave her best smile and said "Snow Cheese!"

Five years ago, had I awoken to find snow on the ground the day before Thanksgiving with a list of 20 errands to run, I'd have been crabby and annoyed with the weather. But looking at it through a 3-year olds eyes, the snow just makes everything brighter. A brand new playground for the day. So as we drive around today running our 20 errands, we'll stop to splash in the puddles and collect snowflakes on our tongues and enjoy this beautiful Colorado day.

I can't think of anything I am more grateful for than the opportunity to watch my beautiful child learn and grow. Everyday she makes me laugh, she makes me think and she makes me thankful to be alive.

Happy Thanksgiving to you. What are you thankful for?


Anonymous said...

Another adorable picture!

My daughter is all excited about the snow we got here, even though it was like .001". :-) She loves seeing the snow on the rooftops. We've got Thanksgiving #2 tomorrow, and she's extra excited about going out to Grandma and Grandpa's house.

So much to be thankful for. Friends and family, having a roof over our head, my daughter, my daughter's wonderful perspective, the grace of God, the snow on the ground, being able to buy presents, etc, etc, etc.

Anonymous said...

I'm thankful not only for this beautiful little girl and the joy she brings every day, but also for her wonderful mother who shares the joy with everyone through brilliant photography and elegant words.

We all need to taste more snowflakes on our tongues - perhaps our words will be sweeter to all. Thanks for reminding us that life is funny AND sweet! - gm

Anonymous said...

I am thankful for a friend such as you! You are a true inspiration and I absolutely love rading your blog. Thank you. Miss you so. Strike