Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Baby I'm Amazed

It just never ceases to amaze me how children see and process the things we as adults have grown so accustomed to. Today Bella was full of funny perceptions....here are just a few:

"Mommy, my hair is wiggly. Yours is not." (Oh how I wish I had "wiggly hair" sometimes!)

(It was a little overcast and windy this afternoon)
"Mommy, can you turn the sun on please? It's too dark."

As she was going to bed tonight, she was telling me a story about a bird flying in the sky and she said, "I see it in my eyes when I am sleeping."
Sweet dreams beautiful girl. I hope you see lots of sunshine and pretty birds in your eyes tonight. Love, Mommy


Anonymous said...

I wish I had wiggly hair, too, Bella. I hope you always see sunshine from those beautiful brown eyes. The world is a wonderful place for a sunshine girl. - gm

Anonymous said...

Your daughter is so adorable, in both action and photo. She reminds me of my little girl (who will be four in Jan). Your blog is a refreshingly sweet corner of cyberspace.

By the way... Just a cute little moment of my own.... My daughter, everytime she sees a tree without leaves will shout at it, "Hey tree, you're naked! Put some LEAVES on!" Needless to mention, this time of year, she says it a lot! It's still adorable the 2,356th time!

Tasha said...

Put some leaves on! I love it!! Reminds me of what my dad always used to say as we were driving across rural Minnesota and Wisconsin, passing all the cows..."Look at all the naked ladies!"