Wednesday, November 9, 2011

When I Grow Up

A few days ago, Bella proudly announced "Mom! I changed my mind on what I am going to be when I grow up. I am going to be an Author and an Illustrator."

Of course I was proud. Not only for her new creative career choice, but because for the last year or so every time I ask her what she wants to do for a living she has replied, "I'm going to be an Ice Cream Taster".

Now don't get me wrong, if Ben and Jerry called to offer me the job, I may consider packing up the family and moving to Vermont. The thought of eating 'Late Night Snack" and "Chubby Hubby" every day does sound like a dream job. But then again, opportunities for advancement are limited (because really, what could be better than tasting ice cream...maybe ice cream and cake taster?), it gets really cold in Vermont in the winter and I don't like eating ice cream when I am cold, and then there's the health risks...daily brain freezes could cause permanent never know.

So while Ice Cream Taster sounds like a fun job, I think Author and Illustrator sounds like even more fun. And from the impressive stories and pictures the kid is already writing and drawing at age 7, I think she has a pretty good shot at it.

So for now, we'll just be amateur ice cream tasters. I think I hear Ben & Jerry calling now, from the freezer...

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