Monday, November 17, 2008

Bella Be Good

Last week we were shopping at Whole Foods. They have a thing called the "Kids Club" where kids can choose from one of about a dozen snacks for free while you are shopping... fruit leather, a piece of fruit, string cheese or Bella's favorite, a cookie. Luckily the cookies are at the far side of the store from the entrance, so our usual routine is (standard mom bribery) "If you are good while we shop, you can have a cookie". Well, let's just say she didn't really hold up to her end of the bargain. So when we neared the checkout line she said, "What about my cookie?" to which I replied, "Well, you weren't being very good. I don't think you deserve a cookie today." She thought about it for a minute and said, "I was a little good, can I have a little cookie?" Another laugh out loud moment... for me and the woman behind us in line (whom I let go ahead of us as we went off to get a cookie).

If you can't be good today, at least try to be a little good. Might get you a cookie after all.


Anonymous said...

if i'm a "little" good can I have a "little" wine?

Tasha said...

Yes, yes you may.

Anonymous said...

that's cute :)

Jaimee McClellan said...

How sweet!