Sunday, September 28, 2008

Don't Push Your Luck

Yesterday we went to Target to pick up a handful of items. I was speeding through the store to avoid having to stop in the toy or candy department. We were at the very back of the store and had almost everything we needed when Bella said, "I have to go potty". Never fails. I asked her if she could hold it for just a few minutes to which she happily said yes. So I ran to pick up the last item and went straight to the checkout line. As I was paying for everything, 3 people behind me in line and people in both lanes next to us, Bella says, very loudly, "I sucked it in Mommy." Looking back on the situation, I should not have asked her the next question...a confused, "What?" to which she yells out, "My poop! I sucked it back in!" with big smile on her face as if she is waiting for congratulations. I glanced around at all the people around me who were now stifling their chuckles ...what else was there to do but laugh.

I'm not even sure how to end this story...I think I'll just leave it at that.

1 comment:

Jaimee McClellan said...

OH MY!!!!
TOO Funny!
Wish I could have seen your face :)