Thursday, June 19, 2008

BE the 4 Year Old

I am starting to think that in order to stay sane while living with a 4 year old, you have to become a 4 year old. Lately I have found myself doing the strangest things....

For example:

A few days ago I admittedly took my tired and hungry child on one too many errands, saving the most important grocery store until last (bad move on my part, but I said "admittedly"). So when the tantrums started, instead of the infamous counting to 3 or else.... "one, TWO, THREE..." I decided to just go with the flow. I threw a silly tantrum right there in aisle 13 next to the toilet paper. I fake cried while hopping on one foot, sticking my tongue out and threw in some jazz hands just to seal the deal. Bella's tantrum stopped right then and there as she looked at me wide eyed as if to say "What the hell are you doing?" Just being 4.

When it is a school day and Miss Sleepyhead does not want to get out of bed, I find myself putting Cinderella panties on my head and a pair of 5T pants on one of my legs. Always makes her laugh and then she shows me the right way to put them on. Voila! Kid is dressed and ready for school without a fight.

Last week we raced to the dinner table, raced out of the toy section at Target and to the checkout line, raced to see who could get in the car and get their seat belts on the fastest. Of course Mommy is very slow and NEVER wins. But I was not late for my dentist appointment today when we raced to the car when it was time to leave.

In the past month I have skipped, made silly faces, not known how to brush my teeth, comb my hair or eat my vegetables ("Does thee broccoli go in my nose?" "NO MOMMY! In your mouth, like this!"). I have pretended to be the Queen, a Princess, a Cowgirl and a baby.

And you know what? It's FUN! It's fun to be 4! Try it this weekend....just be a little silly when life gets you down....and be sure to throw in some jazz really helps!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Since a temper tantrum at the office doesn't work, maybe I'll try skipping down the hall - or better yet, maybe I'll go to my next team meeting with Cinderalla pants on my head! No, there are already too many 4-year olds - no one would notice. Guess I'll wait until the weekend. Let's see, should I be a cowgirl or a princess? (smile all day) - gm