Thursday, April 24, 2008

Mem'ries, Light the corners of my mind

How come on any given day, I can remember...
The lyrics to "Do You Know the Muffin Man" and "Fifty Nifty United States"
How to do Jacob's Ladder and Cat's Cradle on a Chinese jump rope
How to make homemade Play Dough
The theme song from The Flintstones
Silly Knock knock jokes
and a recipe for homemade brownies...
but I can't remember where I put my keys?

It's kinda nice that our minds are set up to remember the fun stuff, the good times, the dabba doo times. Isn't it?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Funny coincidence - Today on Bill Bennett's Morning in America radio program an 11-year old boy called in and said he thinks Bill looks like Fred Flintstone. Bill responded that he's okay with that because his wife is pretty like Wilma. What is Barney's wife's name?'s yabba dabba doo! - em