Sunday, September 9, 2007

Everyone Needs More Sparkles

It was a beautiful day in Colorado today. 68 degrees, the sun was shining, with the slightest cool breeze blowing all afternoon. Autumn was definitely in the air and I love it! Bella rode her bike up and down the street, Daddy mowed the lawn and Mommy did what she loves best at this time of year...shopped for new fall shoes! When I got home, I decided it was time to pull out Bella's fall clothes and we put them away neatly in her closet. One dress in particular caught her eye. It was a dress that Grandmommy bought her last year that has a red sequined belt. When she saw it her eyes lit up and she gasped and said, "It's got sparkles on it! That makes me feel better." We both agreed that sparkles do tend to make you feel better. A sparkly new bike. A sparkly night sky. Sparkly sprinkles on a piece of chocolate cake. The sparkle of the sun shining on the water. The sparkle in your beautiful child's eyes. A sparkly new pair of fall shoes....I feel better already.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm going out tonight to buy some new sparkles for birthday cupcakes! - GM