Wednesday, August 29, 2007

People LIKE Funny

I walked into the living room tonight to find Miss Bella in full Princess gear...tiara, long dress, glass slippers...sitting in her camping chair, eating apples and talking to Baby and Mr Turtle. They were having a tea party. She told me so. I laughed out loud to which she turned to me and with furrowed brow and a scolding tone said, " Mommy, don't LAUGH at me!!" so I replied, "But you're funny". "No Mommy, I'm NOT funny", she said. I smiled and said, "That's a good thing Honey. People like funny". Her scowl then turned to a HUGE grin and with exaggerated enthusiasm she said. "OH! OK" and went back to the tea party.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Miss Bella, you made my day and it's only 9:30,a.m. Keep your funny, Honey! It's a gift you'll never outgrow, and the world always needs funny. funny granmommy